tc1017, Uncategorized

Partial 1…

Hello again readers! And by readers I mean Ken! Here I’m going to sahre with you the important stuff I learned through this partial. There are some basic things and some important stuff, hope someone learns something with this post!

+To ‘organize’ and clean my code, with the use of spaces and ‘tab’.


+ When you finish a line you must write “endl” WITH L, NOT 1, XX “end1” XX .
+Also I learned how to show the history, just by typing “history” in the terminal.
+Sharing questions at class, because there can be times when other students have the same questions and also everyone can learn something new from the questions.


+Be careful with your variables, otherwise the program will take them as general variables and you do not want that.
+ASK FOR HELP. Even to classmates, you can always learn something from everyone.


+If you have an appointment with Ken, he will not give you the answer but he will help you understand, and I think that is way better. Thanks again Ken!
+ And last by not least READ THE BOOK.

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